When things go wrong, are we learning the lessons?

Who starts an international women's group totally unintentionally? Me. That would be me. When I follow where spirit leads, the results are without fail more than I could imagine. I share the super hero origin story of Ladies’ Power Lunch (LPL) often, so sing along if you have heard it before: Many years ago I invited six of my friends, all women in business, to get together for lunch. We had little in common, but none of that mattered, because when women get together with positive purpose, amazing things happen. Everyone came to the table with an intention to be supportive; Not because they were thinking of what they could get, but just because they wanted to help. At the end of lunch everyone left with something she needed, and the LPL group was born. The energy associated with our incorporation was truly aligned. Our LPL group offerings include: networking/collaboration meetings, collaboration summits and retreats for our members. I am at my very highest vibration whil...