How to transform your 2024 GOAL to DONE?

Happy New Year, I know you have received so many new year wishes and given so many that by now it may seem almost reflexive. I want to let you know though that this wish from me is not just a platitude. It’s truly deeply heartfelt. I wish that the new year will bring you every perfect gift. Further, I wish that if transforming one big thing would make a huge difference for you, I wish for you that you are able to transform that thing this year for the better. I’ve given this a lot of thought and here's what I've come to realize: every new year, every new quarter, every new month, day or even every moment, we have an opportunity. We have a chance to do one thing, make one decision, move in one direction that changes everything. Or we can keep doing things the same way we have always done it, and keep getting the same results. The truth is, I’m not one for new year resolutions. They might work well for others but they do not seem to be well suited for the type of human tha...