How to transform your 2024 GOAL to DONE?


Happy New Year,

I know you have received so many new year wishes and given so many that by now it may seem almost reflexive. I want to let you know though that this wish from me is not just a platitude. It’s truly deeply heartfelt. I wish that the new year will bring you every perfect gift. Further, I wish that  if transforming one big thing would make a huge difference for you, I wish for you that you are able to transform that thing this year for the better.

I’ve given this a lot of thought and here's what I've come to realize: every new year, every new quarter, every new month, day or even every moment, we have an opportunity. We have a chance to do one thing, make one decision, move in one direction that changes everything. Or we can keep doing things the same way we have always done it, and keep getting the same results.

The truth is, I’m not one for new year resolutions. They might work well for others but they do not seem to be well suited for the type of human that I happen to be 🙂 Can you relate to that? Have you also found new year resolutions to be a bust?

That being said, I do have something that I want to shift this year. It’s that one thing that if it changed and everything else remained the same, it would make a HUGE difference to me. If it changed, then a year from now I would be able to look back at 2024 and say it has been a super success.

So here’s my plan for approaching the new year. And feel free to follow along!

  1. Picture: Identify the one big thing that I want to shift and truly believe that having it is a possibility. Physical things like my vision board, will help me as a visual representation and reminder of what I am moving towards. 

  2. Process: Consider the reasons I haven't shifted it up until now. Look at the things that I have done to try to get movement on this particular thing, that have not worked. Outline things I have not tried, ideas that I might have had but not acted on or thrown out. Meditate on the paths not taken and choose the one that feels the rightest. Determine my one next best step and a loose outline of a process to get from here to where I want to be. (Practice non-attachment!)

  3. Practice: Identify the things I need to practice to get where I'm going. What do I have to do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly? What is the next step? Take the next step, and the next step and the next….. Rinse and Repeat 😂

  4. Personal Care: Some of the things that I have been guilty of in the past are overworking and not taking the best care of me. So while I remain focused on the big goal, I also have to make sure that my health, wellness, mental health and wellbeing are all taken care of and accounted for. Maybe this should be step one! 👍

  5. People: I have some other things built into my journey to help me stay on track. 

  • I have an outstanding support system: My friends and family, my coach, my therapist and my consultant to help me with strategic planning, mindset and emotional stability. 

  • I have the best accountability partner who helps me stay on track weekly so that my big goal stays in my front of mind. 

  • When it comes to being sure that things get done: of course I have amazing team members, team leaders and collaboration partners that help me in the “grow smarter,” way: making sure to employ Asking, Alignment, All In, Assignment and Apps.

I think I can make it happen this year. I truly believe that my big thing is within my reach. And if I apply the Burnout to Brilliance process that I use with clients, for myself this year, I know that I will absolutely make headway with my big goal and I’ll be here to blog about it next year!

What about you? What’s your big thing? What would you like to transform this year? Add your pure positive energy to this desire for us all to be that much closer to living our optimal lives for 2024 and let’s all do this together!

Regards in health,

Dr. Davia


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