Ramblings from the Chrysalis: What if you could live your optimal life?

The other day I had a little bit of a quandary. I got into office was changing into my scrubs and realized that my last pair of scrub bottoms, the draw string had receded back into the waistband of the pants. This was not a problem I had ever experienced before: New problem right? I changed back into my sweats and then engaged in mental gymnastics that would have made Einstein be impressed, as to how I was going to get the string back out. I tried quite a few ways to make it work none were successful. Now for those of you who are reading this who are seamstresses you know the answer to this quandary, but for me, forever the tomboy, the little girl who had always rebelled against anything to do with sewing or any such, truly believe me I had no idea whatsoever. After trying a few failed attempts, I finally decided that I was going to have to get a pair of scissors, rip off the waistband and find the errant end. My plan was cut short by a simple conversation with Sandy. For t...