Be An LPL Author

Close your eyes and imagine... 

Well, you do have to keep your eyes open to read this, but when you are done, do take a minute to imagine what it would be like to have a FULL abundant practice, sharing your best work with the kinds of clients that you always dream of working with. And getting compensated in a truly abundant way.

Take a moment to visualize the message that you know the world needs to hear. Yes, you know the message I'm talking about, the one you share with your clients that helps them live their optimal lives- Imagine your devices blowing up with invitations to share your very important message with the world.

Imagine that you are an authority in your field, and so now instead of going out to search out clients, and instead of searching for opportunities to share your message, opportunities and clients seek you out, and you get to say yes or no to how you spend your time.

Income, Reach, Visibility, Impact and Time Freedom. Those are just some of the gifts that being a best selling published author can bring to your business.

But it's more than just publishing a best seller if I'm being truly honest with you. Many people have published and have their beautiful books or the anthologies that they were a part of, sitting on their shelves in more of a decorative capacity. If sharing your story and your message to GROW YOUR BUSINESS with ease and flow sounds like a great idea to you, then will you take me up on my invitation?

My invitation to you is to come have a conversation with me (completely no obligation BTW, because that's how I roll.) Let's talk about what opportunities for growth exist for you and your business. We are currently enrolling authors for the next LPL collaboration book. This could be the opportunity you have been waiting for to share your story and your message with about 20,000 people who are optimal connections for what you do and for your business.

If being a part of an upcoming bestselling LPL Anthology or Solo Book is a good fit, we can talk about that and if it is not we can talk about other ways for you to grow. How do you connect with me? It's easy: provides more information as well as my calendar!


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