
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Happiness Prescription For Troubled Times

If you’ve read anything I’ve ever written, or if you have met me, you know that it is my fervent desire to always be focused on happiness. My happiness to be sure, but also to use my platform as a way of spreading happiness, joy and …love… and all that airy fairy stuff. Well guys, here we are in the middle of something that we couldn’t have predicted a year ago. We are social distancing; all but essential businesses are shut down; we are cloistered in our homes; we may be running out of toilet paper; and hand sanitizer hoarders are now a real thing. Those of you who have been preparing for the zombie apocalypse are probably doing the “told ya so dance” right now. For someone like me who’s always talking about happiness, how do I even deal with this level of crazy that we are finding ourselves a part of right now? I deal carefully, thoughtfully and deliberately. What I know for sure is that we can maintain our happiness in this troubled time. I’m not talking about

Thank You

A Message from Dr. Davia H. Shepherd and  Ladies' Power Lunch: Thank you so much for attending the Ladies Power Lunch Presents Transformation 2020 on Monday.  I appreciate your understanding given the circumstances.  I am elated with how well the event turned out and am grateful for all of you!  Below are the freebie links graciously supplied by our Transformation Ambassadors and presenters for all participants. We expect to be live and in person on May 4th!  As things progress we will keep everyone posted! Sandra Centorino  -  Voice Over Artist · Motivational Speaker · Video Producer · Brand Representative · Ambassador The Roadmap to a Successful Livestream: Samantha Williams  – Content Strategist Felicia Searcy  – Premier Results Expert Gina Johnson  – Holistic Business Coach 75 Ways to Market Your Business:   https://g