Ramblings from the chrysalis: Thanks for being here

 I want to take a moment to say thanks for being here.

For the past 8 years Ladies' Power Lunch (LPL) has been a safe space for collaboration, cooperation and networking for source centered entrepreneurs, heart led women in small business and female corporate leaders who know there is a different and better way.

Through the power of collaboration and with the backing of the collective, our mission for the NEXT eight years is CLEAR! We have to spread the message of working together and working smarter, to build strong solid businesses that we are passionate about, businesses that through their ripple effects make the world better, one client at a time, one product at a time, one program at a time.

As we support each other and grow our businesses with ease and grace, LPL's new and ongoing mission is to support women leaders, as we build effortless abundance where it can do the most good and provide the most benefits throughout our communities  - and may I go so far as to say the world?

It's a pretty grand mission, and I am just one little girl in central Connecticut, but what I am certain of is that together we can achieve this easily. I mean, who would have thought 8 years ago in a Ruby Tuesday on Rt. 6 that we would have grown a movement that's now dare I say international? So here's my question, my request, my exhortation: Are you interested in supporting our next LPL mission? 

You are invited to be on the inside track of what's coming next. If this feels exciting for you as it does for me, then will you reach out? The best and easiest way is to send me a PM on Facebook messenger. 



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