Ramblings from the chrysalis: Mastering your money mindset

 In my honest opinion, life is all about evolution and all about just growing and changing. Learning new things, failing, learning, succeeding learning, having experiences, learning... You get the point right? Did I mention learning?

One of my favorite things about our LPL group is diversity. There are women, and a few source led men. There are older entrepreneurs, retirees, people just starting out, veterans in the work world, corporate leaders, people thinking about making the jump from corporate. All sorts of perspectives, orientations, races, classes, colors and creeds. My favorite thing is that we are all here and we are all committed to working together because we get it. We understand that for this life to truly deliver its best promises, moving ahead on our own steam will only take us so far, we get it that the richness of the diversity that is available within the collective that is LPL can serve as the most amazing catalyst for life, for evolution and for learning.

All this comes to mind as I look at our newest series that we are recording for the LPL podcast. This series is called Mastering Your Money Mindset. It's interesting to look at the diversity of presenters, perspectives and approaches to implementation. All valid, all ways that we can learn and grow and never one size fits all. If there is anything I have learned in over 2 decades working in health care, it is that there is no such thing as a magic bullet. I know I'm mixing my metaphors here but if you know me, you know that I do that all the time and you are not at all put off. 

Here's the bottom line: In this limited LPL podcast series there is something here for everyone to learn from. From our first conversation with Janet Johnson a money mindset coach; to our step by step formula outlined by expert and sought after money mindset speaker Laura West;  to the introspective quiz administered by sacred money archetype coach, Heather Esposito; to the conversations with Financial Advisor Jackie Baldwin and Master CPA and business coach Deborah Daniel that focused on actually looking at our money and the possibility of letting go of fear and planning for an abundant retirement; to the outstanding money mindset healing sessions shared with us by Veronica Wirth and Naomi Rafalowicz; and lets not forget how much fun we had chatting about MONEY of all things with Celeste Hartwell, Angel Johnstone, Barb Prichard, Typhanie Alexander and all the way from New Zealand: Natalie Sisson.

If you would like to checkout this LPL podcast series as each episode is released weekly, download and subscribe to the Ladies' Power Lunch Podcast. Go to podcast.ladiespowerlunch.com  While you are over there, will you leave us a glowing 5 star review as well on the podcast app of your choice? This helps other like minded source centered entrepreneurs to find our podcast and our community. 

One more thing: Are you already a member of our Ladies' Power Lunch community? If you think you are but aren't sure, or if you want to be, no worries. Just fill in the contact form below, then click here to join our active and intentionally supportive online community. We are excited to welcome you as part of our community of source centered entrepreneurs.

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