How to have an outstanding Q2?


"Share a quote that embodies your intention for Q2! Why is this meaningful for you?"

Welcome to Q2 and congratulations! As we continue on our journeys to share the messages we are here to share, while striving to live our optimal lives, we come across these time markers that give us an opportunity to evaluate and if necessary course correct. 

I just spent some time in deep introspection coming off of LPL Spring Summit, where some things went really well and in full disclosure, some things went NOT SO WELL! All part of my human experience... am I right?

I'd love to hear from you: What went well in Q1 that you will continue going forward? What intentions do you have for Q2? Feel free to respond below! And / Or comment over in our Facebook group. I'd love to hear what you are up to.

One last thing:  I have a FREE offer for you:

Take advantage of the free LPL Visibility Course: 

To move beyond being the world's best kept secret, go to

What I truly believe is that if the desire is born within us, the means to achieve it exists in our field of view. We just might not be looking in the direction  of our desired solution. I challenge you: Participate fully with these resources over the next month and then report back to me sharing your results? I look forward to hearing from you!


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