So... You Want To Start A Podcast, 5 Tips To Improving Podcasting Success



Maybe you want to start a podcast, or maybe you already have one? I invite you to ask yourself, what's the real reason behind your desire to host a podcast? Was it because it seemed like the next bright shiny media trend? Was it because everyone and their mom has one? I like to joke that even my mom has a podcast and her computer skills are, well, let's just say not optimal! Did you have a deeper heart centered calling?

If the first two of those reasons are among YOUR reasons for wanting to be a podcaster, there is no shame in that. You are not wrong, podcasting is a growing media subgroup and with over a billion podcasts on Apple podcasts and growing every day, podcasting could be a great option for very many of us seeking to get our message out into the world.

But just like any other media format, You could put your amazing content out there and be met with the resounding sound of... CRICKETS. So how can we decide whether podcasting is a good choice for us and how can we set ourselves up for podcasting success? Read on dear reader! Here are 5 simple tips that can truly help your podcast along the road to success:

1) Have a Plan

This may not speak directly to you but let me share with you the kind of person that I am: I joke all the time that I make lists for everything. I tell anyone that will listen, and this is absolutely true, that even my lists have lists. Even if you do not get the perverse pleasure out of being a prodigious planner (yay alliteration,) having a plan for your podcast even if it is a loosely held plan, can help you be more successful. Being clear about the goal of your podcast; knowing what you would want your listener's next step to be after listening to you and being very clear about that, that has to be step one.

2) Market your podcast

Just the same way that you would market a new course or offering in your business, you may find it very beneficial to have a solid plan in place for marketing your podcast. There is no doubt in my mind that what you want to share needs to be shared with the world, but as I always say, you have to place yourself where the people who are losing sleep at night because they haven't met you yet, you have to put yourself in a place where they can find you. Spending a little time and energy on the front end getting the word out helps you get seen by people outside of your traditional audience because you will get on the New and Noteworthy podcast listings, start showing up in searches and that can be a huge boost both in podcast viewership and also to your business if you have a solid call to action.

3) Be Consistent

Being consistent means publishing your podcast on  the same day of the week and at the same time every time. Guess what, people are going to start following you because you are just that good, but what you don't want to do is to disappoint your peeps. Most services allow you to prerecord your podcasts and que them for release. That means you can be consistent without being tied to the schedule. One more thing about consistency: Be consistent with the length, quality, style, format and subject of the podcast. You don't want your listeners to settle in for a 1 hour listen only to realize you only did a 20 minute recording this week. You also don't want them to show up for one type of topic and have that switched to talk about something else entirely. I am not saying you cannot have special editions on your podcasts, just be very clear about it so your listeners know what to expect. 

4) Polish Your Professionalism

I'm not saying you need to be formal if that's not your thing! I'm the last person to recommend that because my podcast: The Ladies' Power Lunch Podcast, is probably the most laid back show known to mankind! What I mean is: Spend some time honing your presentation skills. Learn to be vocally engaging. Focus on topics you are passionate about. Have an outline without being a slave to the outline, this prevents rambling which can get boring really fast for listeners. Get really good at telling your stories and sprinkle those in liberally. People love stories. And one more thing: Check your equipment. Make sure that the sound of your podcast is professional. Poor audio quality may send your potential listener running away from, instead of towards, your podcast.

5) Interviews

Here's an important nugget. Those of you who know me well know that there was no way that an article of this nature would be complete without mention of COLLABORATION. Podcasts are a perfect medium for collaboration. Depending on the format of your podcast, if you allot time to interview others, that an be a really great way to boost your listenership. By the same token, also look for opportunities to #beaguest on other people's shows and when you do, bring your A game. This allows other people's audiences to get to know like and trust you and will invite them over to give your podcast a listen as well.

It took me a longer time than most to actually make the decision to podcast, but it happened energetically at the right time. Be sure that in all you do, that you also feel that energetic alignment, because above all else, that is the truest measure of success.

Do you have questions or concerns about podcasting? I would love to chat more with you about how you can shine your light and be the beacon you are meant to be in this world. This free invitation is open to you. For more information and to hop on my schedule, just take this brief survey, click through and schedule a time that works for you. Will we talk soon? Here's the link to connect:


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