I can make money as a podcast guest? But how?

On our most recent episode of the Ladies' Power Lunch Show, Ladies' Power Lunch Free Gift Friday, our topic was: How to grow our businesses and actually make money as a podcast guest.

Here's the link to watch along: Click To Watch The LPL Show

We always have outstanding guests on the show and this was no different. Kami Guildner believes women’s voices matter. She is a connector. A storyteller and a business coach for women. (https://www.kamiguildner.com/ is her website in case you want to reach out to her, especially after checking out the outstanding knowledge she shared on the LPL Show!)

Kami’s entrepreneurial journey was sparked by the breath of a horse over a decade ago. This magical epiphany moment led Kami to discover her purpose of leading changemaker women to give voice to their most important messages and create a ripple effect of worldly impact.

Kami weaves soulful-inspiration into mindful business strategies, helping her clients succeed in business. With decades of leadership, marketing, strategic planning and business growth expertise, Kami guides her clients to master their marketing, money and mindset. Kami’s soulful spirit leads her clients to unleash their magical manifestation powers and live out loud fueled with vitality and courage.

She is the founder of Extraordinary Women Radio™ – a podcast featuring wildly successful women making an impact on the world. Named Best Business Podcast in the 2018 People’s Choice Awards, Kami has featured guests such as SARK, Zainab Salbi, Beth Comstock and Lissa Rankin. Kami is the author of Firedancer: Your Spiral Journey to a Life of Passion and Purpose.

Kami was named to the 2020 Twenty-Five Most Powerful Women in Business List by the Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce.

I asked Kami to, in her own words, outline what she planned to teach on this episode of the show and here's what she said:

"Here's what we're going to cover in this powerful hour:

  • #RaiseUP Your Voice, Visibility and Prosperity with Podcast Guesting
  • Why Guest Podcasting is the Number One Way You Can Grow Your Business Now!
  • Come find out why guest podcasting is the number one thing you can do to grow your business! Bottomline!
  • Podcasts can help you #RaiseUP your thought leadership authority, build brand awareness and even more importantly increase your Know, LOVE and trust factor with your ideal clients.
  • Podcasting is the number one strategy to grow you business in a pandemic and beyond. With the increased podcast listenership, there is not an easier to get your message in front of thousands of your ideal clients.
  • You have a message to get out into the world; an impact to make! I will teach you how to:

-Be an extraordinary podcast host that gets you invited on even more podcasts – because you’re such an extraordinary interviewee!

-Deliver your most powerful stories and messages to create more leads, more revenue and grow your communities of impact!

-Build a Know, LOVE and Trust factor that has your audiences wanting more of you and your magic!

-Learn how you can really #RaiseUP the number of podcasts you are on!

-Discover the expansion of your own community by choosing the right podcasts!

-Turn this magic into money coming through your door!"

All this and more on this episode!

Do watch like and subscribe. The Ladies' Power Lunch Show features many types of interviews, from inspirational to educational and all geared at helping us to all live our optimal entrepreneurial lives, in all areas of life. This episode is an educational interview!

And... by the way when you listen in you will meet me too. Hi! I'm Dr. Davia Shepherd, Host of the LPL show and CHO of Ladies' Power Lunch - A free movement for women entrepreneurs.

One of my favorite mentors Dr. Deepak Chopra says: "When women get together great things happen." Another of my favorite mentors, Fabienne Fredrickson, says that networking is the number one way to grow our businesses! Our mission at LPL is simple: We have families. We run our businesses and we INTENTIONALLY support each other! Ladies Power Lunch is a movement of high achieving business women in who come together with the intention of growing our businesses by helping each other grow our businesses. Our intention is to use the considerable resources and talents within our outstanding group to help each and every member take her business to the next level - While looking and feeling GREAT, being HEALTHY and having lots of FUN in the process!

I'd love to invite you to NETWORK WITH US ONLINE:- Join us for networking, business building and personal development workshops! Join in on the LPL SHOW! Join our community: In our active and supportive Facebook community every single day! Join our retreats and summits as well!

Would you like to know more? Want to participate with LPL at the next level? Start with the visibility survey! Click through and then hop on my schedule for a chat about how to explode your impact and income with the power of the collective!!!



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