I think I might have fallen in love with him...?

Have you ever thought deeply about the Amazon algorithm? It is constantly finding new things for me to consume, but how does the algorithm even understand a person like me? How can it blend my love for comedy, personal development and sci-fi? It can, and it does. T
oday I got in from work and was trying to unwind by reading an obscure Kindle book from the sci-fi/ comedy/ existentialism category, and was happily laughing my behind off! I love this author! She is just like me. We have the exact same sense of humor. The writing is irreverent, written in first person the way I tend to write and I feel like we are having a conversation every time I pick up one of her books.

The truth is, every time this author drops a new book, I’m on the waiting list- I am officially a fan. But there was a time in my life when I didn’t even know this author existed. We found each other because her book was a best seller. I read the one book, another and another and before I knew it I was down a fandom rabbit hole.

Have you ever read something and felt as though it spoke to your soul? Or finished a book and felt disappointed that the writer didn’t have her next book out as yet.

Some people are just your people. When they speak it’s like they are speaking directly to you.

Have you ever randomly found a book and it was so great that you wonder where it has been all your life? Then you search out every book that author has ever written? And when you can’t find more from that author you start looking at the recommendations of the algorithm only to be disappointed because there is just no comparison?

Many years ago before he was a household name, I stumbled across one of my now favorite authors in the personal development/ business growth space. I found the book because it had just hit best seller, and because of my tendency to read those types of books, the algorithm recommended his book to me. 

I got it on Audible because I didn't know the author and I figured I'd just  listen in the car on my commute. I didn't feel called to make the time investment into actually buying the kindle book to read, or more significantly the real estate investment to actually get the paperback! So I went ahead and got the Audible because I trusted the Amazon algorithm to bring me more like what I had been reading; and since the book was a best seller it couldn't be terrible, right? It had to be worth my audible credit :)

I settled in for my drive, hit play, and from word one I was transported! It seemed as though this author was on my exact same energetic wavelength. He was speaking the truth my heart knows. We were finishing each other's sandwiches! :D

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I listened to the book on quick time and then listened again at normal speed. I got the Kindle version of the book and eventually got the actual physical paperback book. I started following him on YouTube and other social media. I recommended his book to friends. At the time he only had one book out and I waited with baited breath for his next book to drop. I searched out his ted talk and I tuned in for that. 

What I recognized in that author was a piece of myself. Someone who believes the same things that run through my veins as truth. I think I may have fallen in love with him, at least with his mind. He was speaking my language. He got it, that this is not a drill. He understood that the old ways of doing things are ripe and overdue for change and he had a beautiful way of laying that bare for the world to see. I consumed his book voraciously and went on to recommend it to anyone who would sit still long enough to listen. Even now it still ends up on our Ladies Power Lunch book club reading list, year after year. 

And how did I find Simon Sinek back before he was Simon Sinek, and before "Start With Why" was a library staple for every coach? Because he hit the best seller lists. I'm going to bet, that's that's the same way a lot of other people learned about him too.

What if there was someone, or what if there were some people, who would feel that way about your writing? Who would feel that way about the stories you share? What if they cannot engage with you in any way because they have never heard of you?  And what if they have no way of ever hearing of you because you are not in their circles?

Do you feel as though you have a message to share with the world but that the world is not sitting up and paying attention? What if you could change that? I have great news. There is a way to get very visible very quickly even in a crowded media landscape. It is also a way that flows with ease and grace. You are probably thinking: "It would be great if visibility and exposure came at the snap of a finger, but experience has taught me otherwise." My response to that is: Exactly. We can't keep using the same old paradigms expecting different results. What I know for sure is that more is possible when we harness the power of the collective and when we lean into the idea of collaboration. 

Before I go I'll share just a little bit about this revolutionary idea whose time has come. This Ladies' Power Lunch Collaboration that I invite you to check into, is an opportunity for you to put yourself where you can be found easily and effortlessly. This is an opportunity to position yourself where 50,000 of your optimal clients, the ones who would adore you if only they knew you existed, can find you. 

But, I feel I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Here's the link to take a quick survey about the best visibility options for you. If you click through to the end, and if you would like to, there is a no obligation opportunity to hop on to my calendar. If it feels right for you, I look forward to chatting with you and cheering you on as you increase your income, reach and impact by getting as visible as you need to. 

Here's the link y'all:  https://www.growsmarternotharder.com/visibilitysurvey


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