Why is taking care of yourself the key to growing your business, and where exactly do we start?

Thanks so much for tuning in to the last mini-workshop video where both myself and special guest Gail Petrowsky shared that true deep self appreciation propels growth in our businesses. Gail shared a transformational homework exercise which I invited you to share over in the Ladies' Power Lunch Group.

Today, we dive deeper. Why is taking care of yourself the key to growing your business and where exactly do we start? This is a practical show and so today we share several cool activities that you can implement to get off the bus to burnout and embrace the brilliance that your life and business can be. Today we share the stories of past clients who are just like you and me, and who have seen amazing transformations from implementing these simple techniques. At the end of our previous video we asked for feedback and we truly appreciate all your responses. Thank you. Some of our viewers from video 1 in this 4 video series noted that while they desire to focus on self appreciation, they were unsure as to whether this will make a difference in their business and they were not sure they had the time or money to embark on a self love journey. In this episode, exactly how self care supports business is explained, and we share some inexpensive, potent, self appreciation tips that don't take up much time and are a perfect starting point. This is an outstanding episode! So many valuable implementable tips are shared here today! Will you watch along? By the way: Hi! I'm Dr. Davia Shepherd, CHO of Ladies' Power Lunch - We are a movement for heart centered, source led women in business- and a few supportive men. We work together to get more visible and to grow our businesses. TOGETHER. Join our community: - In our active and supportive free Facebook community called: LADIES POWER LUNCH, We are there having heartfelt and meaningful conversation every single day! - Would you like to know even more? Explode your impact & income with the power of COLLABORATION!!! Join us: growsmarternotharder.com/facebook - One more thing! We’re VERY close to finishing planning for our long-awaited Ladies' Power Lunch (LPL) destination transformational retreat.

We have been anticipating this for more than four years, (our last LPL retreat was to Bermuda in 2019 and we haven't had another one since because of the pandemic,) but we are finally going to wrap up planning and make it happen. We will be releasing info about it in early March. This retreat will be entirely focused on: “Be the Main Character In Your Life And Business.” It will include one - 4 day tropical retreat, (we are headed somewhere warm, sunny and fun;) four group calls, (scheduled monthly before and after the retreat to facilitate integration, community and accountability;) and one retreat journal/workbook to ensure implementation and integration. There will be 4 experts supporting the transformation: Gail Petrowsky, Master life coach and retreat leader for over 30 years and Dr. Davia H. Shepherd- collaboration expert, Certified Retreat Leader and strategic expansion coach. We will also have two guest presenters: coaches and retreat leaders in their own right, Nadine Mullings and Jen Olivares. The four of us are going to share ALL of our combined expertise - EVERYTHING that we know about transforming to live the most fulfilled version of our lives in the areas of RELATIONSHIPS, SELFCARE and how it applies to your BUSINESS. We are going to share life changing tools to help you own your power, fine tune your life, alter the patterns that hold you back so that you can make 2024 your best year ever. HOWEVER, we need your help. Before we finalize everything, send our workbooks to print and all that good stuff, we need to make sure we have covered everything. That is where you come in. Please take a few minutes to answer this super-short survey. Go to: growsmarternotharder.com/retreat-survey

Thanks so very much!
Dr. Davia and LPL Retreat Team


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