LPL Monthly Networking Meeting 3rd Monday Monthly; Click the link below to join



LPL Monthly Networking Meeting

Hi Business Besties, 

Please join us today for our LPL Monthly Networking Meeting: 3rd Monday Every Month!

Every month we:

  • Share who you are and what you do: Let everyone know about your business
  • Join in on the monthly member match: Maybe you will find your next collaboration partner!
  • Create more Balance, Boundaries, Beauty and Brilliance as your fellow member and expert workshop presenter facilitates a transformational session.

And don't forget: We have officially opened up registration for the next "Live Your Optimal Life Transformational Destination Cruise Retreat."


Best regards,

DrDavia and LYOL Retreat Team

P.S. Remember . . . you don’t need to panic. We don’t expect to sell out immediately. However, if you want one of the ten remaining spots at our LIVE YOUR OPTIMAL LIFE self appreciation destination cruise retreat, then please don’t delay. They’re going to go fast. Here’s the link: CLICK HERE

Click if you missed LYOL Mini-Workshop #4


I’m excited to share that we are are open for enrollment of our long-awaited next Ladies Power Lunch Retreats!  Please check out the details HERE!

Thanks to everyone who gave feedback. Your input is helping us deliver the best retreats that will be most  impactful and beneficial for you.

Thank you again for your input.

Don't forget to check out the retreat website:

Thanks and best regards, 

Davia and the LPL Retreat Team


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