How to be the leader the world needs now? With Executive Transformational Coach - Lori Raggio

 How to be the leader the world needs now? With Executive Transformational Coach - Lori Raggio

Every single Friday, we get together in the Ladies' Power Lunch Facebook Group and have conversation with an LPL member. She shares about her business, teaches us something of great value and then gives away a free gift! Do want your free gift? Just go to Oh wait, I'm getting ahead of myself :) Well.... We too the summer off, and Free Gift Friday (FGF) is back!!! YES you heard me correctly! We took the entire summer off and now we are ready to rock and roll! On this episode we feature Lori Raggio! She is a super star executive coach and we will be chatting about LEADERSHIP and growing a business! Plus we will be giving away a bunch of free gifts! not one, not two... but a bunch of free gifts. Get yours at: Who wants a free gift? In the words of the great OPRAH: Every attendee gets a gift!!! (will Oprah be there? I can't say for sure, but what I an say is that every attendee gets a gift! !!!!!) EVERY- SINGLE- ONE! Now that's what I call a Free Gift Friday!

Join us in your LPL Facebook Group 1 PM EST every Friday? See you then! By the way: Hi! I'm Dr. Davia Shepherd, CHO of Ladies' Power Lunch - We are a movement for heart centered, source led women entrepreneurs- and a few supportive men. We work together to get more visible and to grow our businesses. TOGETHER Join our community: - In our active and supportive free Facebook community called: LADIES POWER LUNCH, We are there having heartfelt and meaningful conversation every single day! - PLUS Join our retreats and summits! Our upcoming retreat is called "Ignite your leadership," Oct 17-18, 2022, both virtually and in person and all LIVE and experiential. Join us as we share with you 20+ presenters and their hands on experiential workshops designed to give you the tools to live your optimal life in your business. Tickets and INFO: - Would you like to know even more? Explode your impact & income with the power of the collective!!! Go to:


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