Ignite your Leadership! What? I'm a LEADER?


What happens when the heart centered entrepreneur, like you and me, shares our message to a wider audience? In addition to the increased income, abundance and freedom that comes with never having to search for clients, we are being the leaders we are destined to be. We allow the people we are meant to work with to find us easily, and they light up. They share their messages with their people who also light up, and on and on it goes making the whole world a better place one person at a time.

It doesn't matter if you are an introvert; extrovert; always knew you wanted to be a leader; always shied away from leadership roles; young; old; new to business or a veteran at the work you do. All that matters is that you understand that the paradigm for what was considered leadership has changed… and tag… you're it!

I’m not talking about the top down leadership you are accustomed to, this is not, I repeat, NOT… your grandfather’s idea of leadership! This is collaborative leadership or HETERARCHY which recognizes that each of us has something amazing to share. And what this means for you, is that you need never go it alone again. Great news! Now how does that impact your bottom line?

Join us for the Premier Leadership Summit of 2022: 

Ignite Your Leadership- 

Increase your income, invite abundance and impact the world!

I’m excited to be one of the over 20 leaders sharing experiences, wisdom and transformation for you, your business and your life.

This is a fully experiential, live summit focused on giving you the implementable tools you need & to begin your integration into living a life of greater abundance and impact. You will have the power of the collective of like minded women in business at your back for you to network and collaborate with.

So here’s what I'm asking of you: 

Will you join us on October 17-18th? (you can choose to join in person at Farmington Gardens in CT or virtually wherever your computer happens to be!!!)

Early Bird VIP tickets are available now at https://growsmarternotharder.com/ticket

But wait, there’s more. :) There’s always more because we are all about abundance! In addition to your VIP admission to the Ignite Your Leadership Summit, and the VIP bonuses, you will also receive a copy of my:


Upcoming international best selling anthology-

Ignite Your Leadership!

You are absolutely invited to get your ticket and be my special VIP guest. Will you join me?

Here’s the link to get your ticket, book and bonuses: https://growsmarternotharder.com/ticket


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