How to unmute your voice? With special guest, best selling author, Mary Ann Pack.

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We all work pretty hard... for many of us our work takes up our time close to 24/7 because when we aren't working on our businesses or in our businesses, business is taking up valuable real-estate in our minds!

Enter #growsmarternotharder! Follow my posts for outstanding interviews with leading teachers, coaches, consultants, professionals, authors, healers, leaders, speakers and other women in business. They share with us on each and every episode, IMPLEMENTABLE strategies (STUFF YOU CAN USE!) to get out of overwhelm, ditch the hustle and grow our businesses with EASE.

Today: How to unmute your voice? With special guest, best selling author, Mary Ann Pack.

Where in your life are you living in a MUTED way?
Where is that coming from?
What would be available to you if you were to live as your authentic self in an UNMUTED way?

Mary-Ann and I have a fun conversation about living unmuted and about her newest bestseller: UNMUTED VOICES (available on AMAZON now.)

All this and more on this episode!

Interest piqued?

This episode is outstanding!!!

Will you watch along?

By the way: Hi! I'm Dr. Davia Shepherd, CHO of Ladies' Power Lunch - We are a movement for heart centered, source led women entrepreneurs- and a few supportive men. We work together to get more visible and to grow our businesses. TOGETHER

Join our community:
- In our active and supportive free Facebook community called: LADIES POWER LUNCH, We are there having heartfelt and meaningful conversation every single day!

- PLUS Join our retreats and summits! Our upcoming retreat/summit is coming soon: March 20-21, 2023, both virtually and in person and all LIVE and experiential.

Join us as we share with you 20+ presenters and their hands on experiential workshops designed to give you the tools to live your optimal life in your business. Tickets and INFO:

- Would you like to know even more? Explode your impact & income with the power of the collective!!! Go to:

#unmuted #shareyourmessage #womeninbusiness #growsmarternotharder #ladiespowerlunch #collaboration #bestsellingauthor


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