Selling in alignment transforms your business

Expert Sales trainer Liz Dederer 
Talks about transforming our businesses by transforming the way we approach sales

I don't know about you, but I'm not one of those people who loves sales. As a matter of fact, I neither want to sell anything nor be sold to. Sooooo, when I went into private practice, my intention was just to join our practice, put my name on the door and expect that patients would show up. Needless to say, that was not how it played out.

Most of us can relate to this.  Most of us are entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and small business owners, working in the businesses that we love. I would go out on a limb to say that most of us did not go to business school, the majority of us don't have MBA's and many of us get a sickening dread deep in the pits of our stomachs when it comes to selling our services, products etc.

...And we are not wrong to feel that way, because the sort of sales that we have been exposed to in the past has had perhaps a "sleazy used car salesman" energy. (No offence if your business is selling used cars btw :)

That's why I found Liz's approach to sales to be so refreshing. Selling with service and in alignment, now that is something that I can get behind! That is the sort of selling, that since I've started working with Liz, has kept my book full with amazing heart filling clients.

I'm excited to shine the light on Liz and to share her gifts and talents with our community as one of our many LPL - guides, gurus, experts and speakers. Liz helps us transform our businesses by transforming our sales mindset.

One more thing, I have a gift for you:

Click for Free Prenote: Listen in to our free webinar with Prenote Speaker Felicia Searcy. The topic is:


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