5 Reasons You Can Expect More For 2020

Welcome to 2020. We are approaching the end of the first quarter and the beginning of the 2nd quarter rather rapidly. How are your new year resolutions shaping up so far? Are first quarter plans still on track? Is there any way to make the second quarter even more amazing than we could even dream?

Here are 5 reasons why you should have high expectations for 2020. Lean into the possibility with ease and grace and watch 2020 be your best year yet! And so it is...

1) New Year

Every day, every moment really, is an opportunity to change, to do things differently and to begin to see outcomes that are vastly different and tremendously improved compared to what previously was our norm. As Eckhart Tolle says, there is incredible power in the moment of now. It was so profound that he even wrote a whole book about it!

That being said though, most of us don't routinely look to each moment as our opportunity to make a change. Let's be realistic: Traditionally, we wait for landmarks, like a new  month, or a new quarter or even a new year, to start to think about effecting improvement or transformation. And so the majority of us make new year resolutions and many of us stick with them, even for a while, and see outstanding results.

Since, as a society we respond really well to, at least starting new things at specific times, go ahead and have high expectations for 2020, because it is a new year. It's still pretty early in the year. If you haven't made resolutions, set goals or planned accomplishments, there is still time to ride the wave of the new year to your amazing success.

Go ahead and day dream a little, imagine what it will feel like when you achieve your big audacious 2020 goal. Imagine it in as great detail as you can, and know that there is no time like 2020 to get started on being the version of you in your daydream.

2) New Decade

I know, I know! Please, don't all send me emails at once. It depends on how you count your decade whether you consider 2020 or 2021 to be the actual start of the new decade. Let's assume that you count 2020 as the beginning of a new decade. Let's face it y'all, not to be grim, but we only get a few decades each lifetime. That's why most of us look at the start of a new decade as a momentous occasion, an opportunity for reflection and a chance to start fresh and new. It's an opportunity to lean into longer term goals. Where are we seeing ourselves in the next 10 years.

With 2020 being the beginning of a new decade, take a minute to close your eyes and really feel into what you would, in the ideal world, like the next 10 years to look like for you. Really feel into what you would like your health, finances, work life and relationships to be. Think about why you want the things you want and really appreciate that with 10 years to play with, and truly believing and acting from inspiration, these goals are on their way to being achieved.     

3) Leap Year

It just gets better and better. Not only is this the start of a new year and a new decade, but it's also a leap year! How often have we asked for more time in the day, more time in a week or even more time in the year? Guess what lovely readers, this year our prayers have been answered and we have an extra 24 hours, an extra 1,440 minutes, an extra 86,400 seconds, basically an extra day this year. Don't forget that 2020 is special in this regard because we will NOT have another year like this for the next 4 years!

What are we going to do with all this extra time? Might I suggest that this year may be the year to increase your meditation practice, spend a little more time on your health and wellness and on your own self care?

True, it's just a symbol, but if we use this idea of extra time, to put our own needs on the schedule, just a little more often, a little more of the time, we will by default end up closer to our goals, dreams and aspirations.

4) Number Significance

For all you math whizzes out there, you are probably shouting into your computer: "How could you fail to mention the numerical significance of 2020." Rest assured, I did not forget, my math game is not as strong as it used to be, but I have thought about it. :)

Here is the thing. We only see these repetitive number patterns once every century or so. The next time we will see the repetitive number patterns like this will probably be 2121? Is there some cosmic significance to this? Are we blessed to be living in this time? Should we be making the most of this year just in case? Are there special opportunities?

Hmm... Interesting.

5) Spiritual Significance

Some of us may dabble a little into numerology or angel numbers and that sort of thing. I'm not an expert in this area by any means, but I've been listening. Some experts are suggesting that 2020 has special significance. Some of the gurus have opined that 2020 is a special year when it comes to being able to achieve life goals. The suggestion is, that during this year we will be most successful if we are more aware than ever before of amazing ideas and impulses that may be coming to us. We are advised to remain optimistic even when things aren't looking the best, and to be open to the guidance that is coming moment by moment when we are in flow. There also seems to be some significance with regards to relationships, compassion, faith and trust.

If you are like me, the kind of person who does not know as much about this sort of thing, you might be a little skeptical. I'd say, don't dismiss this stuff out of hand, but maybe think of it from this point of view? If we dream these big dreams for our future and we stay tuned in to the ideas coming to us, perhaps capturing them in some way, writing them down or recording them, there could be some real gold there. And as for relationships: What relationship, whether it's with your pet, your family or your partner, what relationship wouldn't benefit from a little compassion, faith and trust?

6) Bottom Line

No matter what our beliefs, we all have goals dreams and aspirations. We all have things we would love to transform during this year. It could be something at work, it could be a relationship that we'd love to have or have be better, it could be our health or self care or it could be just basic finances and time. Whatever it is that you want to see shift, believe in the possibility. Believe in the opportunity that 2020 is bringing us. let's start the new year and new decade right. let's make the best use of the time we have this year. Let's look for opportunity wherever we find them and let's tune in to the ideas and coincidences that are showing up for us this year like never before. Let us use all our tools and skills and a little bit of magic, let's use it all to our advantage to make 2020 our best year yet.

The theme this year for Ladies Power Lunch Presents is Transformation Do you want to get a jump start on your 2020 transformation in a room full of outstanding women with amazing energy? If that's a yes for you, then you are in the right place. Please join our Facebook community! Let us grow together.



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