Manifest Your Optimal Life Party

We were just coming from the Ladies' Power Lunch - Live Your Optimal Life Summit where we talked about raising your and our vibrations so that we can all live our optimal lives with the income, impact and influence that we dream of!!! So we decided to take it a step further and throw a week long MANIFESTATION PARTY. I invite you to join in on the party. 

In the video above, we share some experiences, answer some questions, give a little homework to move us all forward with some accountability to make the things we desire happen and then we gave away an awesome free gift!!!! That's what this video is so please be sure to check it out. 

But wait, there's more... It's not over! Join in on the Manifestation Party! We talked about it at Live Your Optimal Life Summit: What area of your life could you really stand to shift? 

How is your: 
 1) Health, wellness and well-being? 
 2) Relationships: both romantic as well as community- (friends, colleagues and family) 
 3) Career and Finances: Income, Impact, Purpose and Influence 
 4) Spirituality 

Is there an area that you can focus on on that could stand some improvement? And if that area were to improve, what amazing things would that make available for you? How much brighter could you shine your light if you could get that shift? How would the folks who you work with benefit? What things that are just for you would start showing up in your experience? 

What? What? WHAT? 

 Then let’s do it, let’s make it happen, let’s manifest our optimal lives together! #collaboration! Join in the LIVE YOUR OPTIMAL LIFE manifestation party (Free 4 day mini challenge. Click here for the entire challenge!) With just a few minutes every day for this week, let’s watch what shifts! For more info go to in the events tab and pinned to the top of the group! Oh and one more thing: ENROLLMENT FOR THE NEXT LPL ANTHOLOGY AND SUMMIT IS OPEN! You are invited! Will you join us? We are looking for stories of amazing manifestations and miracles to share with the world! Do you have a manifestation story like that to share? Pm me! More info at


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