How to realize your potential for 2023?

Please, may I invite you to tune in to the Ladies' Power Lunch shows! On every show, we continue to provide these valuable opportunities to learn something from our outstanding guests that can move our businesses forward!

Today we learned: How to realize your potential for 2023? With Special Guest Soribel Martinez, LCSW - CEO and Founder

How can we go from potential to actually realizing our dreams? SO many of us have such great potential but feel stuck when it comes to making our dreams a reality. On this episode Soribel Martinez, best Selling Author, Speaker and Licensed Psychotherapist, shares her tips for going from Potential to Full Power, from Mindfulness to Fully Manifested in 5 easy steps.

- Discover what your life purpose has to do with living your dreams,

- Find out what essential connection needs to be in place for 2023 to be not just like any other year

- Listen as Soribel shares about the type of vision that can become a reality

- And see why your WHY, has to be bigger than any adversity you might face

- Step five is a gift us all: Just go to and there you will get Soribel's worksheet which helps you get unstuck, helps you go from potential to fully powered as you build your UNBREAKABLE life and your unbreakable business!

Interest piqued?

This episode is outstanding!!! I truly love Soribel! You will too!

Will you watch along?

By the way: Hi! I'm Dr. Davia Shepherd, CHO of Ladies' Power Lunch - We are a movement for heart centered, source led women entrepreneurs- and a few supportive men. We work together to get more visible and to grow our businesses. TOGETHER

Join our community:

- In our active and supportive free Facebook community called: LADIES POWER LUNCH, We are there having heartfelt and meaningful conversation every single day!

- PLUS Join our retreats and summits! Our upcoming retreat/summit is coming soon: March 20-21, 2023, both virtually and in person and all LIVE and experiential.

Join us as we share with you 20+ presenters and their hands on experiential workshops designed to give you the tools to live your optimal life in your business. BTW: Soribel is going to be one of our keynote speakers on summit, not to be missed! Tickets and INFO:

- Would you like to know even more? Explode your impact & income with the power of the collective!!! Go to:

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