With so much vying for your attention, why attend IYL Summit?

Why join us for Ignite Your Leadership Summit? Sometimes you need the main program, sometimes it's the BONUSES that pull you in!


I know there are many things vying for your attention. For me, between work, home and family, making time for personal development and business growth conferences and summits can be tricky. If I'm attending anything I really have to make sure that it's worth my time. Here are my top 4 reasons I will be attending Ignite Your Leadership Summit, and why I think you should join in too:

4) AND… Come for the bonuses!!!

There are BONUSES: Join us for a bonus day focused on Human Design and  Leadership in particular what it means to lead as a human design projector. If you are a Human design Projector, coach projectors, love projectors, parent projectors or somehow interact with projectors, or you just want to know more about leadership as yourself, then you will want to attend this outstanding summit.

Our bonus day Hosted by April Brown starts with a panel discussion featuring four knowledgeable human design leaders of different types:

    Jen Jones- Manifestor;

    Kristi Sullivan - Generator

     Mimi Tran - Reflector

    April Brown - Projector.

We will explore what it truly means to be a leader for each type with different strategies and authorities and bask in the beauty of how well we all fit together when we live according to our design. 

Just sitting and exploring with these human design trained experts of different types who have been living their experiments and have a lot to share would be worth your time and the price of admission... But of course there is more. A lot more in service of your transformation.

Part one of the bonus session also includes:

    A workshop with our LPL resident Human Design for business BG5 expert Pat Alva. She will be looking at projectors and how exactly they do best in business.

    That outstanding segment will be followed by another outstanding segment: It's not often that I fangirl, but I have to share a huge secret! One of my favorite human design podcasts is by the one and only Ardelia Lee. It is the critically acclaimed That Projector Life podcast. GREAT NEWS!!! Ardelia Lee will grace our virtual stage! She will share the nuts and bolts of projector leadership: being the guide!

The second half of our bonus program focuses on: waiting, the invitation and success. If you are a projector or are close to one, these are words that are in your vocabulary for sure!

    Jess Shillingford shares with us all the way from the UK about EMPOWERED waiting.

    Kelly Myszkowski shares with us where all the invitations are hiding (we all are looking forward to that workshop with great anticipation!)

    And then Caroline Gaddy brings it home by sharing with us the new paradigm for success!

We spent a lot of time on reason #4 to attend IYL summit! Here are some other reasons:

 3) IYL Summit is the place where magic happens: Come in the

room with us, or join us in the virtual room and watch

your vibration rise.

2) This is where you will find your next best networking partners and


And the #1 reason to attend IYL Summit:

1) This is where the shifts will happen: This is a LIVE experiential

transformational summit

This summit is going to be outstanding for all the reasons that you will see on our info page growsmarternotharder.com/ticket but if you are a human design projector or want to learn more about projectors and human design and you want to be in the virtual room with some amazing women, this bonus day is the real reason you want to get your ticket. 

I invite you. Will you join us?

Click here for more information and for your tickets: GrowSmarterNotHarder.com/ticket


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