I am a firm advocate for collaboration. I know for sure that in business, coming together can bring tremendous results, when everyone is on the same page. This episode explores the different types of partnerships and how exactly to determine if a particular proposed collaboration is right for you. If it's not a Win-Win-Win Win…. Then it's a No-No-No-No!

lets have some discussion: Energy Vampire? Or Collaboration Partner? How to make the subtle distinction!!! Please do join in... Hi there Business Bestie!
This week we we have great news! LPL Coffee Break is experiencing a transformation y'all! Join us at Tuesdays 11AM EST
This week we answer the question: Is this a collaboration, or a connection with an energy vampire?
When we started LPL Coffee Break our intention was to provide an opportunity for us all to learn from each other in the spirit of collaboration. We invited you to join us, as an LPL member teaches us the things we need to know to grow our businesses... in a tight 30 minutes.
This gave us all an opportunity to: -Learn about things that could grow our businesses, -Network with each other -And provided members who volunteered to be the presenter, with a chance to share about their business with our members and wider audience on our YouTube channel and LPL Podcast.
Well, great news: We continue to bring you the essence of LPL CB just in a different format, on a different day and time. LPL CB is now called: Grow Your Business Smarter: Live Your Optimal Life Tuesdays at 11:00 AM EST
You can find us at or on your APPLETV, FIRETV, ROKUTV & on the Win Win Women APP Channel 2.

I've said it before and if you know me well you know this comes from my heart: I believe that you CAN live your optimal entrepreneurial life. This new iteration of the LPL CB is here to help heart centered entrepreneurs to make that dream a reality. I’d love for you to truly have the kind of freedom in your businesses that you expected when you were newly minted. I’d love for you to increase your reach and your impact and to never have you worry about having enough clients again, ever. And I'd love for you to have the income that allows you to run your business in the way you want to, give back in the way your heart calls and have the things that you want that are just for you. It’s possible and it’s not rocket science. On the Grow Your Business Smarter: Live Your Optimal Life Show, we get together the best experts in the field who focus on business growth and personal development and we share their expertise with you, with fun, humor and authenticity. The power of the collective and the art of collaboration can get you to that sweet optimal entrepreneurial life. You CAN live your best entrepreneurial life. You get to choose.
Don't miss it! Tuesdays 11AM EST


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