Please join us for Collaboration Conversations

Please join us for Collaboration Conversations over on our LPL YouTube Channel. 

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Ladies' Power Lunch Collaboration Conversations: Jackie Baldwin Jackie is a financial advisor or as she describes herself: A financial architect. For more about Jackie, check out her website: She talks today with us about collaborations, going into detail about some of the outside the box collaborations that she has had that have gone very well, focusing on what it takes to have a great collaboration. She also tells us stories of collaborations gone wrong and what she learned from the experience. This was an outstanding conversation. Please watch like and subscribe! Collaborations can grow our businesses tremendously but what makes a good collaboration? What are the dos and don'ts of collaborations? What holds people back, what are the lessons and best practices as far as collaborations go? This limited LPL series explores these questions with various guests who have experience with collaboration in their businesses! The good and the bad and what we can learn. Want more about Ladies' Power Lunch videos? Please check out our YouTube channel by CLICKING HERE.

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