Do this free thing to get quantum level visibility for your message:


Before you get bogged down with all the holiday obligations and festivities, may I invite you: will you mark your calendar for your next LPL Monthly Free Networking Meeting? It’s our Holiday 2024 Visioning Edition with special guest Design Coach, Anette Stahl- December 18, 2023 at 12:30 PM EST. Click for more info.

The holiday season is here and for me it's always bitter sweet because it brings the joy of hanging out with family and friends, which I'm all about, but it also brings up all the feels about family and friends that are no longer here, like my Dad. It’s a hopeful time, as we plan for the new year in business, and also there are some disappointments where we didn't hit some of our targets for the current year. There is fun family, and family that stresses you out. There is hustle and bustle to get all the things done, all the stockings hung with care (we have no chimney so…) And doing all the things, happy and not so happy can take a toll.

I got a reminder this morning from one of our dear Ladies' Power Lunch members to remember to take care of me during the holiday season. She is amazing! Her reminder also made me think this is the perfect time to remind you, our savvy Ladies’ Power Lunch woman in business, who is just like me doing all the things: Working in and on your business, planning for the new year, making sure all the holiday festivities go off without a hitch, giving and giving, taking care of everyone and everything, don't forget to put yourself on your list this holiday.

As I slow down a little bit for the season, I will still be here with all of you, my Ladies’ Power Lunch Peeps, supporting your desire to connect and collaborate with other heart centered and like minded women with passion for their missions. I will always have the intention that when we link arms and do it together, everyone grows.

I have shared this story a little bit before, but I don't think I’ve gone into any great detail until now. I remember my first holiday season in practice. We were in an economic downturn, we had lost so many patients and I was no where near hitting my expected income with the holidays coming up, a new baby and student loan payments, it was just a huge mess. Paying to join different networking groups was a big stretch for me, paying for coaching was an even bigger stretch. I did both those things, but my experience made me so acutely aware of the value of having things that women in business can tap into that are free or low cost that can help them connect with each other and help them grow their businesses and share their messages more effectively.

As a result of my experience, I have devoted my life to making sure that I am always giving, always supporting, always making things available to support women in business who are heart centered, so that they can get their work out into the world and cause lasting change through the ripple effect of changing even one life for the better.

So as always I invite you. Will you continue to participate in our free LPL community? Will you take advantage of the stuff? There is a ton of free stuff and other not free stuff to support you, your message and your business. And please, will you share LPL with your friends? I’m a giver at heart. Being able to share in this way is truly everything: For those of you into human design, my motivation is innocence :)

Last thing: My free holiday gift to you.

Get My Personal Visibility Checklist the same one that I use with our Visibility Circle Clients:

=> Here’s why you want my Visibility Checklist:

If you are a source led woman in business and you feel as though your message can change lives;

If the thing you do helps others live a better version of their lives;

If you feel as though getting more folks to tune in to what you are sharing could literally make the world a better place;

And here’s the kicker: If YOU GET IT, that we can achieve so much more through the power of a collaboration done right;

If you understand what Napoleon Hill taught about the power of a mastermind being so much more effective than our singular effort;

Then you are going to love this FREE gift, and it will help you to grow your visibility in an exponential, quantum way! If you are into DIY by yourself. This can truly help you. I remember when I was just starting out, resources like this helped me a lot. So here I go paying it forward!

One last thing. All the steps of the Visibility Checklist are the steps that we work through over 10 months to help our Visibility Circle members get their messages out to 20-50,000 potential ideal clients, using the power of Collaboration, Mastermind, Speaking, Best seller publishing, Podcast, TV and other media. I invite you: If you would like to do this work, If you would like to exponentially increase your influence, impact and income in 10 months in a quantum way, in mastermind with the best co-creators, then of course the invitation to join us for visibility circle is open. If you want more information about how to grow your reach and authority in a huge way in a short time, there is more info on that at Either way, the Visibility Checklist is yours!

Talk soon, and remember to take care of you as you navigate the holidays.

I appreciate you,

Dr. Davia


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