Visibility circle intro

It's been almost a million years back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and yet I remember it as if it were yesterday. I can feel the wind as it picked up the dust on the playground and as the leaves on the trees lining the walkway gently swayed during recess. 

This memory is of Little Davia in Elementary School. And you would not be surprised to learn that little Davia is not too different from the Davia you know and love now. 

I hadn't thought of this memory in decades, centuries even, but as I was getting ready for a recent summit that I hosted, my coach asked me: “Of the millions of things that Ladies' Power Lunch has to make the life of the woman in business more ease and flow, which one do you want to share with your audience?” As she asked me this, I found that I was at a loss for words.

Me... at a loss for words.

OK, for those of you who know me, you are chuckling a little at the incongruity of that picture. For those of you who don't know me yet... and you will... let me explain.

When other's shy away from public speaking, I run towards any open microphone! Give me a topic that I am comfortable with and I'm happy to share it with audiences all day long! So here was my coach asking me what I wanted to share from the many offerings of our women’s group Ladies’ Power Lunch (LPL for short,) and I was at a loss? Obviously there was something more going on here and since we are in the business of transformation, we dove deeper. Back to a time when I shared something that I had made up that meant so much to me that was so terribly misunderstood and rejected.

It all started with a great idea. Again, if you have met me, you know, with me there is no shortage of those!

We had a clubhouse on the edge of our playground over near the swings. Now every group of kids would want to play in the clubhouse and it would be a first come first served kind of situation. If your group got there first you got to play in the clubhouse- seems fair, but the problem was, the same group of kids kept getting to play in the clubhouse most of the time.

So I had this brilliant idea. I called it the Lunch Club (Hmmm...Interesting foreshadowing?) Basically I created a game that included everyone, and the clubhouse, so that everyone would have a chance to play. Kids loved it. We had a great time and then a teacher heard about lunch club and made an assumption that I was excluding other kids (I wasn't.) Without all the details, She shut our lunch club  down and that was the last time I ever thought of it. 

Apparently that little nugget has been living in my psyche giving me a tiny bit … no let's be honest … a lot of stress every time I think of sharing about any of my personal offerings including my LPL offerings.

Living life is all about transformation, even of the squishy bits that you wish no one would bring to light, so that you can do the real work that is your mission. So today, I'm pushing beyond the edges of that scared little girl on the playground to share with you because it's that important.

I'll share another story with you. I share it because it's also been my story and it's probably the story of many of us. Maybe it’s your story too? I was hanging out with a dear friend of mine some time ago. She is so good at what she does, she has a great message, I feel as though if the world knew what she was up to it would just stop on a dime and immediately become a better place. As I walked around her spacious well appointed office I noticed, not one, not two, not even three, but SEVEN, YES SEVEN books that she has been a part of, up on her shelves in pride of place. I leafed through these books, a few of them bestsellers, all books that most have never seen or heard of. Books that are certainly not in the hands of the folx that need them the most and that's when it hit me: Another GREAT Idea, just like the one I had in elementary school yall: What we all need as coaches, teachers, consultants, speakers, authors, leaders, professionals of all types; what we need in order to share our messages to the people who need it most is:


I would hate for you to misunderstand me the way my teacher did back on the playground. May I invite you to follow along with these few bullet points which outline the details of visibility circle? I am going to share this invitation to join me in visibility circle. 

1) Who is Visibility Circle for?

Are you a woman or heart centered man in business who is passionate about what you do, who has a story, a message to share and wants to make a difference through the work you do? Then this is for you! Calling all healers Teachers, consultants, coaches, speakers, professionals, authors for whom your work is more than just a 9-5 and is more of a calling.



- It is a 12 Month Visibility Framework that we: me Barb Prichard of Infinity Brand Design and Liz Hill of Green heart Publishing, along with quite a few visibility professionals have already built out for you. We have figured out through testing and trial what you need, what works and what doesn't work. All you have to do is fit yourself into it.

The result:

Over the course of 12 months you get yourself and your message in front of 20-50,000 of your ideal clients in an organic collaborative way!

3) What do you get?

I explain to people all the time that getting your business visible in front of 50,000 of your ideal clients is simple you just need to do a few things:

1) Being A Best Selling Author

2) Being an Engaging Featured Speaker and participating in collaboration events as well as hosting your own events

3) Participate in a Collaborative Sharing Strategy

4) Participate Collaboratively Through Podcasting

5) Get your message on Streaming TV 

6) Quantum Repurposing of Content to Maximize Your Visibility

 Your Content is Constantly Working for You

7) Connect and Mastermind with at least 19 Intentional Business Collaborators

The great news is that our Framework is all built out to give you the benefits of a robust media strategy but without the overwhelm through the power of COLLABORATION.

4) How do you enter into the visibility circle

How do we get into the house on the playground? It's simple, and to be clear, everyone's invited. And just like the little house on the playground it can only fit 20 at a time. The great news is we have room for you! Just go to to get more information and to join us.

5) Who am I?

I'm Dr. Davia Shepherd, Chief Happiness Officer of LPL & Grow Your Business Smarter. 


I’m an amplifier. I have combined almost two decades of experience with my innate ability to translate the energetic signature of the best version of you, into reality. That means: The big dream that you have, for both your business and your life? Step into my field and I can not only translate it, but also make it bigger.


I take that higher vision of you and use it to develop a solid plan for increased visibility, reach and success - Through the collaborative efforts of our visibility professionals as well as collaboration in the LPL Visibility Circle.


The result is that you shine your light at its most brilliant; that you stop being the world’s best kept secret. Your optimal clients, the ones that are losing sleep at night because they need you, the ones who light up when you work together, they are then able to find you with ease and grace.


I invite you: Will you reach out today and let's talk about how you can share your passion, shine your light and be seen, be heard and be visible in a crowded media landscape? 

More info: at, or connect directly with me to get $500 off for LPL family and friends. (Limited Time Offer) My connection link is:


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