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It's great getting to know you. I may have mentioned my Ladies Power Lunch networking group, right? I think I did. I invite you to join us. LPL is a free networking group for women. Here are the cliff notes on LPL.

How we started:

A group of friends (all business owners or executive women,) decided we wanted to meet for lunch once in a while to support each other. Since our first lunch of 6 women, we have grown to a list of almost 900 amazing movers and shakers!

What we are about:

We have families. We run our businesses. We support each other! LPL: A group of high achieving business women who come together with the intention of growing our businesses by helping each other grow our businesses. Entrepreneurship can be a challenge, but why do it alone? Our intention is to use the considerable resources and talents within our group to help each and every member within our group take her business to the next level - while looking great, being healthy and having lots of fun in the process!

Our events:

- Monthly
We meet monthly on the 3rd Monday of each month.

- Social
We meet daily on Facebook in our Ladies' Power Lunch private group. We discuss challenges in our businesses, share ideas and share our promotions, connect, network, form partnerships and in general support each other.

- LPL After hours
See the Facebook group for events as they come up.

- Conferences
"LPL Presents..." We get together in a larger group for hands on workshops and together we mastermind answers to our pressing questions and concerns. The next LPL Presents...Conference is coming soon!

Join our virtual retreats, in person local retreats and in person destination retreats. On retreat we fast track our transformation to living our optimal lives, and the best part is that we do it together.

-LPL Inner Circle
Special networking opportunities for our LPL speakers and sponsors.

Our givebacks:

We are always looking for ways to support our community and we have a special place in our hearts for helping people with disabilities. Currently I serve on the board at New Horizons and another recipient of our support is MARC community resources.

So fill in the form above to get alerted about our upcoming events. I send 2 emails per month. One giving the details of the next event (speaker, location changes that sort of thing) and then I send a second one reminding of the event close to the date. I may send additional emails if we are having a special event, but this is not an attempt to spam you, and we will never share your info. If this sounds good to you, we welcome you.


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